Project Showcase

Aux Cônes Verts Website Design

As the principal designer for the Aux Cônes Verts startup, I efficiently managed the design and development of their first website from scratch. My user-centered approach, coupled with my proficient use of tools like Webflow and Figma, resulted in a unique, engaging website that conveys the brand's ethos and caters to user needs. Despite the project's complexity, my phased development strategy ensured timely delivery and is a testament to my adaptability and commitment to client satisfaction.

About Aux Cônes Verts

Aux Cônes Verts is a startup committed to eco-responsible hop cultivation and servicing local brewers. They sought an online platform to showcase their business, build trust with potential clients, and sell their products. I was commissioned to design and develop their first website, which provided a unique opportunity to shape their digital identity from the ground up.

Project Goals

The main objective of the project was to establish an impactful online presence and to create a digital platform that accurately communicates the brand's unique proposition. This would serve as a vital tool for gaining trust among potential clients and for selling their innovative products.

Design Process

I followed a three-step design process: Discovery, Design, and Development.

1. Discovery

I initiated the project by immersing myself in user research to understand Aux Cônes Verts' target market. We also created an inspiration board to guide our design decisions.

2. Design

I created mid-fidelity prototypes to visualize the structure and layout of the site, and once we were happy with the design direction, I developed a fully functional high-fidelity prototype.

Mid-Fidelity Prototype

Development (Phase 1)

After the design was approved by the client, I developed the main pages of the website using Webflow, including the landing page, about page, and contact page. Then, I adaptated the website for tablets and mobile devices, ensuring a seamless user experience across all platforms

Due to the complexity of the project, the development process was divided into multiple phases to allow a timely launch of the most critical aspects of the site.

Future Development Phases

  • Phase 2: Creation of product pages, insuring potential clients can order products throughout the website.
  • Phase 3: Creation of the blog, expanding the website's functionalities and offerings.

Challenges and Solutions

The main challenge of this project was the size and complexity of the website. To ensure a swift launch of the site's core components, we divided the development process into distinct phases. This strategy allowed us to deliver a functional and valuable product to the client as quickly as possible.

Tools Used

I used Figma for designing the prototypes and Webflow for website development. I also incorporated several plugins and integrations for enhanced functionality, such as Zapier for Instagram feed automation and Mailchimp for newsletter signups.

Outcome and Ongoing Work

I am particularly proud of the originality of the website, the animations used, and the seamless integration with different services. The finished Phase 1 website reflects the eco-conscious ethos of Aux Cônes Verts, while also providing a user-friendly platform for their clients. Work on Phases 2 and 3 is ongoing, with the goal of further enhancing the site's functionality and user experience.


This project reinforced the importance of detailed project planning and open communication with clients, especially when working on large projects. I learned the value of setting realistic deadlines and breaking the project into multiple phases to deliver functional components faster. Overall, it was a valuable experience that challenged my problem-solving skills and creativity.

As we move forward with the development of Phases 2 and 3, I am eager to continue applying the insights gained from this project and to deliver an even more comprehensive and engaging user experience for Aux Cônes Verts' audience.

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