Project Showcase

Redesigning the SSE Website for Polytechnique Montréal - Phase 2

The Service des stages et emplois (SSE) of Polytechnique Montréal plays a crucial role in students' and graduates' lives as they seek internship and employment opportunities. To optimize the user experience for both students and employers, a website redesign project was launched. The initial phase focused on the student portal, while the second phase targeted the employers' portal, aiming to validate and implement improvements through comprehensive user research, data analysis, and prototype development.


In collaboration with Polytechnique Montréal, I embarked on a comprehensive project to enhance the user experience of the Service des stages et emplois (SSE) website. Despite facing initial challenges such as budgetary constraints and restrictions imposed by the existing website model, we managed to gather in-depth insights and produce a solid set of recommendations during the first phase. The second phase of the project focused on redesigning the employers' portal to address their specific needs and improve overall website usability.

Project Goals

  • Improve User Experience for Employers
  • Enhance Communication with Employers
  • Implement Effective Information Architecture for Employers
  • Ensure Consistency with Polytechnique Montréal's Web Design Model

User Research Methodology

To achieve our project goals, we employed a multi-faceted user research approach encompassing online surveys, usability tests via Useberry, and in-depth individual interviews.

Online Survey

The online survey was designed to collect detailed information on the needs and behaviors of employers using the SSE website. It consisted of three main sections:

  1. Demographic Information: Collected essential data on respondents' industry sectors, company sizes, and roles.
  2. Employer Needs: Identified specific needs in terms of website functionality, content, and services.
  3. Employer Behaviors: Explored how employers use the site for recruitment and internship management.

The survey was distributed to 1,200 employers, with a response rate of 65 completed surveys. This high participation rate provided significant insights into user needs and behaviors.

Usability Tests

Usability tests were conducted on the Useberry platform, focusing on key aspects of the SSE website:

  1. Card Sorting: Assessed users' perceptions of information organization and section structuring.
  2. Task Completion: Participants were asked to complete specific tasks on the site, allowing us to observe navigation and resource utilization.
  3. Satisfaction Questions: Measured overall user satisfaction with their site experience.

The tests involved 26 participants, with 10 completing the entire process in an average of 20 minutes. These tests provided valuable data on the usability of the current website structure and identified areas for improvement.

Individual Interviews

In-depth interviews were conducted with selected employers to gain qualitative insights into their experiences and expectations. Each interview lasted approximately 30 minutes and covered three main areas:

  1. Website Experience: Evaluated overall interaction with the site, identifying intuitive and frustrating aspects.
  2. Usability and Navigation: Discussed site navigation, information accessibility, and user experience fluidity.
  3. Content and Resources: Focused on the relevance and quality of the website's content and resources.

The interviews were analyzed using the Dovetail tool, categorizing feedback into themes such as pain points, strengths, user motivations, and emotional responses. This analysis provided a comprehensive understanding of employer needs and guided the development of strategic recommendations.

Key Findings and Recommendations

The research highlighted several key areas for improvement:

  1. Navigation and Information Architecture: Simplify navigation and improve the organization of information to enhance user experience.
  2. Content Relevance: Ensure that website content meets the specific needs of employers, particularly in terms of job postings and internship management.
  3. User Interface Enhancements: Improve the visual design and functionality of the website to align with user expectations and Polytechnique Montréal's web design model.
  4. Integration with La Ruche: Address confusion between SSE and La Ruche platforms by improving integration and providing clear explanations of each platform's roles and objectives.

Prototype Development

Based on the feedback from user research, a prototype was developed to implement the recommended changes. The prototype includes the following improvements:

  1. Streamlined Navigation: Simplified menu structures and clear categorization of information.
  2. Enhanced User Interface: Modern and intuitive design elements to improve user engagement.
  3. Improved Content Organization: Logical structuring of information to facilitate easier access and comprehension.
  4. Integrated Features: Seamless integration with La Ruche and other related platforms to enhance user experience.

Future Steps

Building on the insights gained in this phase, the next steps involve:

  1. Implementing the New Website Structure: Integrate the recommended changes into the website design, followed by a thorough evaluation of their impact on user engagement.
  2. Ongoing Testing and Iteration: Conduct further usability testing to assess the effectiveness of the implemented changes and continually refine the user experience.
  3. Monitoring User Feedback: Establish a feedback loop with employers to gather ongoing insights and ensure the website meets their evolving needs.


The second phase of the SSE website redesign project has provided a robust foundation for enhancing user experience and meeting the needs of employers. By leveraging comprehensive user research and analysis, we have developed strategic recommendations that will guide the next phase of design and implementation. This iterative approach will ensure that the website consistently delivers a high-quality user experience, promoting user satisfaction and sustained engagement.

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