Project Showcase

Redesigning the ERP System for Folie Technique

Folie Technique, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting science and engineering education among children, faced significant operational challenges due to an outdated and disjointed task management system. The organization struggled with inefficiencies caused by the use of multiple, non-integrated tools, resulting in time loss, repetitive tasks, and decreased productivity.


Folie Technique, a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting science and engineering education among children, faced significant operational challenges due to an outdated and disjointed task management system. The organization struggled with inefficiencies caused by the use of multiple, non-integrated tools, resulting in time loss, repetitive tasks, and decreased productivity.

Project Goals:
The primary objective was to redesign the existing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to create a centralized, user-friendly platform that could streamline operations, reduce errors, and enhance productivity across the organization.

Discovery Phase

Stakeholder Engagement:
To understand the intricate needs and daily challenges faced by Folie Technique’s team, a series of user interviews were conducted. Employees, teachers using the reservation platform, and administrative staff provided critical insights into the inefficiencies of the current system. This direct feedback was instrumental in shaping the new ERP design.

Challenges Identified:
Key issues identified included redundant data entry, lack of real-time data access, and cumbersome reservation processes. These challenges were visualized through process flow diagrams that clearly outlined the inefficiencies in the existing workflows.


Evaluation of the current business processes
Optimized process with automation (in pink)

These diagrams illustrate the complexity and disconnected nature of the current system, highlighting the need for a more streamlined approach.

Design and Development

User-Centric Design and Comprehensive Design System:
The redesign of the ERP was heavily influenced by the feedback received during the discovery phase. Iterative design processes were employed, utilizing Figma prototypes to visualize improvements and refine functionalities. A comprehensive design system was created to streamline the design process and ensure a coherent visual and functional image across the entire ERP platform. This design system included standardized UI components, color schemes, typography, and interactive elements that are consistent throughout the ERP applications, enhancing user experience and brand consistency.

Technical Solutions:
The ERP system was developed into two distinct applications to cater to the diverse needs of the organization:

1. Reservation System:

  • A custom scheduling tool akin to Calendly, allowing external users to book and administrators to confirm appointments.
  • Progressive Web App accessible on both cellphones and desktops.
  • Automated email confirmations for reservations.
  • Integration with Gmail, Google Maps, and Make for seamless operation.
  • Date selection constraints to manage availability and booking conditions.

2. Internal Management System:

  • Automatic post-appointment satisfaction surveys to gather feedback.
  • Comprehensive inventory management system.
  • Internal messaging capabilities for effective communication.
  • Integrated pay and reporting system for financial management.
  • Web and mobile applications to ensure accessibility on all devices.
  • A company wiki to house essential organizational knowledge.
  • An employee portal for shift management, akin to Agendrix.
  • Bidirectional calendar synchronization with Google Calendar and iCal for seamless scheduling.
  • Admin dashboards for pay calculations and data analytics.
  • An employee onboarding system to streamline new hire processes.

Decision Process for Platform Selection:
The selection of the development platform involved a detailed evaluation of several leading no-code and low-code platforms. Criteria such as cost-effectiveness, ease of use, scalability, integration capabilities, and mobile compatibility were considered. After a series of evaluations, the platform that best aligned with the needs for robust functionality and flexibility, as well as ease of use for rapid development, was chosen. The decision was also influenced by the platform’s strong support and active community, providing extensive resources and troubleshooting support.


Scheduling system
Internal ERP platform

These visuals demonstrate the user interface's evolution and highlight major functionalities such as the dashboard, reservation system, and administrative modules.

Expected Impact and Benefits

Operational Improvements:
The new ERP system is expected to significantly reduce manual data entry, streamline communication channels, and enhance operational transparency. Automated workflows will replace outdated processes, leading to improved efficiency and reduced error rates.

Future Metrics:
To measure the effectiveness of the new ERP system, key performance indicators (KPIs) will include user satisfaction rates, task completion times, and system adoption levels. Continuous monitoring will help assess the system’s impact and guide further improvements.


These visuals will show how specific processes within the ERP system have been optimized and automated, providing a clear view of the improvements in operational efficiency.


The ERP redesign for Folie Technique represents a transformative step towards optimizing the non-profit's operational capabilities. The project leveraged extensive stakeholder input to ensure the final product would effectively meet the diverse needs of the organization.

Next Steps:
Currently in the final stages of development, the next phase will involve rigorous testing and training sessions with end-users to ensure smooth implementation and adoption. Future updates may include advanced analytics features and further integrations with educational tools to support Folie Technique’s mission.

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